It's been a couple months since Kaitlyn and I made the trip to Lynchburg... and considering my step-brother and his wife just had their 2nd child, Laylah Madison, on February 2nd... i figured i'd make a trip up to visit and meet this sweet little baby! :)
Kaitlyn usually does really well with car trips... especially if its around nap time. But this time DADDY packed the car (for mommy, trying to help her out)... and ended up just putting all the bags in the seats nexto to Kaitlyn. I saw it before we left... and thought to myself "this is NOT going to be good!", but didnt move it... hoping i was wrong.
But i wasnt.
Needless to say it was her nap time and she was NOT going to sleep. Why? Because she was going through my bag pulling ALL MY CLOTHES OUT!!! Handing me things... asking what some things were... etc. By the time we got to Danville (about half-way) i had to pull over to zip up my bag and move it... and everything else that was within her reach. After i did that, she went right to sleep. Little turkey.
Here she is with her Nana! We went to pick up Nana from 'her house'... and discovered Nana has a REALLY COOL playset for kids in her backyard... too bad it was 30 degrees and SUPER windy - or we would have totally gone for a slide! :)

Then, Aunt Maime's friend Megan came over with her 2 year old daughter, Graycen, and they got to play together! :)

They found a 'slide'.... aka: treadmill. Oh the things that occupy a 2 year old!!

The next day was meeting baby Laylah... heres a quick shot of us before we left!

Holding Laylah for the first time... shes SOOOOO little!!!!!! Goodness, you think you have a 'baby' until you hold a newborn... then you realize your baby isnt a baby anymore!! :( (p.s. Kaitlyn had no jealousy towards me holding another baby... nor did she want to partake in any picture taking!)

Amy holding Laylah.

Such a sweet little baby with a HEAD FULL of hair!!!!!! Love it!!! :)

Then it was time to go to Nana and Papa's house to play with Landon (Laylahs older brother who was staying there for the weekend to give his mommy a little break!). Don't you love their 'deer in the headlights' looks... haha.

Here they are chasing each other.... phew! I wish i had that much energy!!!

And heres a picture of Kaitlyn... with a ball up her shirt (that she put there herself!). You think shes trying to look like mommy????? haha:)

Overall, it was a great trip! We also braved putting Kaitlyn in the nursery for the first time at church Sunday morning... she did great! I was so happy! :)
In other news.... tomorrow is THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!! We get to find out if Baby Evans #2 is a BOY or GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH :) I'm so excited!!! Almost like Christmas Eve for me. Its a shame that my appointment is at 2PM! ugh... I have to wait half the day... but its worth it! :)
Keep checking, i will update tomorrow and let you guys know! :)
Love to all
Kaitlyn usually does really well with car trips... especially if its around nap time. But this time DADDY packed the car (for mommy, trying to help her out)... and ended up just putting all the bags in the seats nexto to Kaitlyn. I saw it before we left... and thought to myself "this is NOT going to be good!", but didnt move it... hoping i was wrong.
But i wasnt.
Needless to say it was her nap time and she was NOT going to sleep. Why? Because she was going through my bag pulling ALL MY CLOTHES OUT!!! Handing me things... asking what some things were... etc. By the time we got to Danville (about half-way) i had to pull over to zip up my bag and move it... and everything else that was within her reach. After i did that, she went right to sleep. Little turkey.
Here she is with her Nana! We went to pick up Nana from 'her house'... and discovered Nana has a REALLY COOL playset for kids in her backyard... too bad it was 30 degrees and SUPER windy - or we would have totally gone for a slide! :)

Then, Aunt Maime's friend Megan came over with her 2 year old daughter, Graycen, and they got to play together! :)

They found a 'slide'.... aka: treadmill. Oh the things that occupy a 2 year old!!

The next day was meeting baby Laylah... heres a quick shot of us before we left!

Holding Laylah for the first time... shes SOOOOO little!!!!!! Goodness, you think you have a 'baby' until you hold a newborn... then you realize your baby isnt a baby anymore!! :( (p.s. Kaitlyn had no jealousy towards me holding another baby... nor did she want to partake in any picture taking!)

Amy holding Laylah.

Such a sweet little baby with a HEAD FULL of hair!!!!!! Love it!!! :)

Then it was time to go to Nana and Papa's house to play with Landon (Laylahs older brother who was staying there for the weekend to give his mommy a little break!). Don't you love their 'deer in the headlights' looks... haha.

Here they are chasing each other.... phew! I wish i had that much energy!!!

And heres a picture of Kaitlyn... with a ball up her shirt (that she put there herself!). You think shes trying to look like mommy????? haha:)

Overall, it was a great trip! We also braved putting Kaitlyn in the nursery for the first time at church Sunday morning... she did great! I was so happy! :)
In other news.... tomorrow is THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!! We get to find out if Baby Evans #2 is a BOY or GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH :) I'm so excited!!! Almost like Christmas Eve for me. Its a shame that my appointment is at 2PM! ugh... I have to wait half the day... but its worth it! :)
Keep checking, i will update tomorrow and let you guys know! :)
Love to all