Happy Ressurection Day!!!! :) I just want to start by saying i love the Easter holiday... it might even be 2nd to Christmas for me! Put the Easter bunny and candy aside, and i am SO glad i serve a LIVING GOD! He has risen from the grave and I am so thankful. And I love that this holiday falls on a SUNDAY where we can celebrate in church, worshipping our RISEN SAVIOR!
A part of my favorite Easter Hymn... that im sure almost EVERY church sang on Sunday...
"I serve a risen Savior, Hes in the world today;
I know that He is living, whatever men may say;
I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer,
And just the time I need Him, Hes always near.
He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today!
He walks with me and talks with me A-long lifes narrow way.
He lives, He lives, salvation to impart!
You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart. "
The 'Easter Bunny' came to see Kaitlyn... and she loved it! :) This was her basket before she tore into it. (which includes : her first golf set, a book, new cups, toothbrush, and pretty hairbows... and some eggs.) Poor thing cant have any candy!

her first look...

loves her new cups, obviously! :)

My little family after church on Easter morning. <3

Kaitlyn in her Easter dress. We're going to have pictures made in it, i do believe. :)

Daddy giving her a flower :)

anddd picking her own flower...

EGG HUNT! :) She did pretty well, once she picked up on it. Next year she'll have it in the bag, im sure! :)
Then my sister came down (on her spring break from school) and we took a trip to the Zoo! :) Kaitlyn had a blast! I'm so glad we live so close to something so much fun!
group shot! :)

the look of wonder... :) watching the sea lions.

"the suns too bright to look at you mommy"

my little girl and me :)
I'm 23 weeks and 2 days today! I went to the doctor yesterday and got to take my sister with me for the first time! She got to hear the heartbeat... and then we went to lunch after! It was so much fun!
Speaking of fun... i decided to post a picture to compare...
Speaking of fun... i decided to post a picture to compare...
this is when i was 23 weeks with Kaitlyn...

and this is about 23 weeks with baby boy!

I think im bigger this go round... not so much around as i am poking out. Does that make sense? With Kaitlyn i was big ALL the way around my tummy (sides included)... this one i feel like im sticking out more and not seeing as much on the sides.

and this is about 23 weeks with baby boy!

I think im bigger this go round... not so much around as i am poking out. Does that make sense? With Kaitlyn i was big ALL the way around my tummy (sides included)... this one i feel like im sticking out more and not seeing as much on the sides.
and for the famous survey...
*How far along? 23 weeks 2 days...
*Total weight gain/loss: hahahahaha.... im beginning to NOT like this one. Umm... so i went to the Dr. yesterday and i step on the scales... the nurse looks at me and says "Wow, that was a big jump" - NOT something you want to hear. :) Needless to say i gained 10lbs in ONE MONTH!!!!!!!!! Holy milkshakes. I need to lay off the food. So, that puts me at gaining a total of 20lbs so far.
*Maternity clothes? yes:) and i got this AMAZING deal on pregnancy jeans the other day! Ever heard of the jean brand "Lucky"? Well, the tag on the jeans said reg. price $130.00. I got them for $14.99. YES SIRRRRRRRRR! The are my favorite EVER, too! Also splurged on a couple new tanks/shirts. :)
*Stretch marks? not yet...
*Sleep: ehh... its okay.
*Best moment this week: spending time with my sister and her getting to come with me to hear baby boys heartbeat! :)
*Movement: yes! and i love it!
*Food cravings: chocolate. fast food. any food apparently. :)
*Gender: boy! :)
*Name: anddddd, we have no idea. We knew Kaitlyn's right away... this one is a toughie!
*Labor Signs: negative.
*Belly Button in or out? sad to say, but out. you can officially see it through my shirts now. :(
*What I miss: just feeling normal.
*Weekly Wisdom: Family is such a blessing!!!!!! :)