27 weeks.

****belly picture coming soon****

*How far along? 27 weeks today!

*Total weight gain/loss: ...i dont really want to know... last time i weighed 21lbs, BUT im sure its more now! I go to the doctor May 11th... so we'll see the damage done then. :)

*Maternity clothes? oh yes. im huge. The cashier at Walmart told me so. Ok, well, not in so many words, but it came out more like "when are you due?" "august" "oh my goodness, you look like you could pop already".... thanks?

*Stretch marks? not yet... using that belly butter religiously.

*Sleep: ehh.... my back is a little better.... but im still only averaging about 7 hours a night until i wake up in so much pain, that i just give up going back to sleep.

*Best moment this week: getting things done in Kaitlyn's new room, so we can start on little man's nursery!!! :) so exciting!

*Movement: all the time. i have a feeling im in for an ACTIVE child.

*Food cravings: anything. still wanting Dairy Queen all the time.

*Gender: boy! :)

*Name: ....still deciding... (patience, people... patience!) :)

*Labor Signs: negative.

*Belly Button in or out? out. :(

*What I miss: bending over to pick something up without thinking im going to die. my energy. oh, and my sleep.

*Weekly Wisdom: trying to move boxes and organize closets is A LOT harder when you're 27 weeks preggo.... jus' sayin'.
