*How far along? will be 29 weeks tomorrow...
*Total weight gain/loss: hmmm.... lets see.... way too much? haha. last week at the Dr. my official weight gain was 28lbs. at 28 weeks. I'm well on my way for topping what i gained with Kaitlyn.... atleast breastfeeding = the best diet EVERRRRRRR! :)
*Maternity clothes? ...even they are getting to feel snug. :( I guess i need to move a size up!
*Stretch marks? i think im starting to get a couple near my belly button... SAD DAY! :( It's all because this pregnancy i am carrying COMPLETELY different! With Kaitlyn, i was round allllllllllll around... this one? I just look like i've swallowed a basketball and he's sticking out a lot further in the front.
*Sleep: i still wake up with my back aching... and i pee every 3-4 hours.... but other than that, its alright. nothing to write home about, though.
*Best moment this week: settling on a name... having Kaitlyn's big girl room painted... :)
*Movement: all the time. especially after i eat!
*Food cravings: all things junk food, nothing healthy. HA! I'm serious... its bad. I force myself to eat yogurt and fruit.
*Gender: boy! :)
*Name: i think we have one, but don't know if we are going to announce it before he's here... :) I'll most likely cave here soon... i have a hard time withholding information im excited about! :)
*Labor Signs: a couple braxton hicks here and there... nothing big.
*Belly Button in or out? out. :(
*What I miss: the feeling of being normal. getting out of bed easily.
*Weekly Wisdom: i have no wisdom this week... BUT i will tell you that we have set our official c-section date for July 30th at 7:30am! I AM SOOOOOO EXCITED! :) Counting down the days already... 74 days until we meet our sweet boy! <3
I really need some more pictures of my belly... but haven't had the chance to take any recently... ill get on that, promise.
But until then, i'll share some of my cutie-pa-tootie. :)

Mothers Day 2010. LOVE being her mommy!!! <3

getting ready to go swimming... dont you love the glasses?

she LOOOOVVVEEEESSSS the slide! Aunt Ce-Ce was helping her down it.

basking in the sun... check out that face! ha! :)

She is definitely in her 'terrible twos'... and here recently has picked up saying "NO!" to everything. "Kaitlyn, do you want to eat lunch?" "NOOOOOOO" "Kaitlyn, do you want to get dressed?" "NOOOOO" "Kaitlyn, do you want to...." "NOOOOOO". Oh, the joys. I'm trying REALLLY hard to savor these moments with her... but she likes to push me until i almost break. For example... yesterday we started watching 'Charlotte's Web'... 30 minutes into it, she asks to watch 'Wow Wow Wubbzy', so i turn off the "pigs" and turn on Wow, Wow. As soon as i do that, she starts BAWLING for the "pigs"... so, of course, i turn it back to the pigs.... only for her to BAWL for Wow, Wow. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Needless to say, it stayed on Wow, Wow and she had to get over it. I sure hope this phase goes by fast. :)
*Total weight gain/loss: hmmm.... lets see.... way too much? haha. last week at the Dr. my official weight gain was 28lbs. at 28 weeks. I'm well on my way for topping what i gained with Kaitlyn....
*Maternity clothes? ...even they are getting to feel snug. :( I guess i need to move a size up!
*Stretch marks? i think im starting to get a couple near my belly button... SAD DAY! :( It's all because this pregnancy i am carrying COMPLETELY different! With Kaitlyn, i was round allllllllllll around... this one? I just look like i've swallowed a basketball and he's sticking out a lot further in the front.
*Sleep: i still wake up with my back aching... and i pee every 3-4 hours.... but other than that, its alright. nothing to write home about, though.
*Best moment this week: settling on a name... having Kaitlyn's big girl room painted... :)
*Movement: all the time. especially after i eat!
*Food cravings: all things junk food, nothing healthy. HA! I'm serious... its bad. I force myself to eat yogurt and fruit.
*Gender: boy! :)
*Name: i think we have one, but don't know if we are going to announce it before he's here... :) I'll most likely cave here soon... i have a hard time withholding information im excited about! :)
*Labor Signs: a couple braxton hicks here and there... nothing big.
*Belly Button in or out? out. :(
*What I miss: the feeling of being normal. getting out of bed easily.
*Weekly Wisdom: i have no wisdom this week... BUT i will tell you that we have set our official c-section date for July 30th at 7:30am! I AM SOOOOOO EXCITED! :) Counting down the days already... 74 days until we meet our sweet boy! <3
I really need some more pictures of my belly... but haven't had the chance to take any recently... ill get on that, promise.
But until then, i'll share some of my cutie-pa-tootie. :)

Mothers Day 2010. LOVE being her mommy!!! <3

getting ready to go swimming... dont you love the glasses?

she LOOOOVVVEEEESSSS the slide! Aunt Ce-Ce was helping her down it.

basking in the sun... check out that face! ha! :)

She is definitely in her 'terrible twos'... and here recently has picked up saying "NO!" to everything. "Kaitlyn, do you want to eat lunch?" "NOOOOOOO" "Kaitlyn, do you want to get dressed?" "NOOOOO" "Kaitlyn, do you want to...." "NOOOOOO". Oh, the joys. I'm trying REALLLY hard to savor these moments with her... but she likes to push me until i almost break. For example... yesterday we started watching 'Charlotte's Web'... 30 minutes into it, she asks to watch 'Wow Wow Wubbzy', so i turn off the "pigs" and turn on Wow, Wow. As soon as i do that, she starts BAWLING for the "pigs"... so, of course, i turn it back to the pigs.... only for her to BAWL for Wow, Wow. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Needless to say, it stayed on Wow, Wow and she had to get over it. I sure hope this phase goes by fast. :)