Let me just say that i L-O-V-E being a mommy. There is nothing better in this world.
When i first got pregnant with Kaitlyn, i THOUGHT i knew what 'being a mommy' was all about... but honestly, no book - no advice people give, can prepare you for what you're about to embark on. It's such a huge transformation... words can't do it justice.
Can you tell my pregnancy hormones are all over the place?!?!?!?!? :)
In all seriousness, I AM SO BLESSED! I'm not going to say it wasn't (isnt?) hard... especially at the beginning. But i just look at my little girl these days in awe. I know im her mother, and im COMPLETELY and utterly biased... but i just think she's the best. She's truly my world. Don't know what i would do without her.
I mean, seriously... do they get any cuter?

A week ago, we were invited by our friends Kelli and Alleigh to go see ELMO-LIVE! at the Greensboro Collosium... I was SO worried that Kaitlyn wouldn't sit for the 90 minute show, considering she is NON STOP, all the time. But let me tell you - she was GLUED to the stage... didn't hardly budge. It was amazing. She absolutely LOVED it, and i was so glad we got the opportunity to go!! SO much fun!
Here's the stage... this is actually the finale picture!

Kaitlyn and I... she was a little distracted by things going on elsewhere to look at the camera!

Totally recommend this to anyone with a kid.
Ok, on to my usual survey...
*How far along? 30 weeks 1 day.
*Total weight gain/loss: lets see... i weighed 117 when i got pregnant, and now i weigh 148. for all you mathematicians... thats a grand total of 31lbs. woot-woot! haha. and to think i have 9 weeks to go.... SCARY!!!!!!
*Maternity clothes? yep.
*Stretch marks? a very few around my belly button. darn it.
*Sleep: its getting sparse. i average about 7 hours a night, with about 2 potty breaks.
*Best moment this week: STILL WEARING MY WEDDING RINGS!!!!!!!!!! With Kaitlyn, they stopped fitting around 20 some weeks. I'm 30 and can still wear them! Hallelujah!!!
*Movement: yes. i'm totally in for it if he's HALF as active as he is in my womb.
*Food cravings: tacos. had them last night - yummm :)
*Gender: boy! :)
*Name: got it, will announce when we feel ready! :)
*Labor Signs: a couple braxton hicks here and there... nothing big.
*Belly Button in or out? out. :(
*What I miss: my energy. being able to get down on the floor and play with Kaitlyn.
*Weekly Wisdom: cleaning bathtubs (properly) with a belly that is 30 weeks is next to impossible. :)
When i first got pregnant with Kaitlyn, i THOUGHT i knew what 'being a mommy' was all about... but honestly, no book - no advice people give, can prepare you for what you're about to embark on. It's such a huge transformation... words can't do it justice.
Can you tell my pregnancy hormones are all over the place?!?!?!?!? :)
In all seriousness, I AM SO BLESSED! I'm not going to say it wasn't (isnt?) hard... especially at the beginning. But i just look at my little girl these days in awe. I know im her mother, and im COMPLETELY and utterly biased... but i just think she's the best. She's truly my world. Don't know what i would do without her.
I mean, seriously... do they get any cuter?

A week ago, we were invited by our friends Kelli and Alleigh to go see ELMO-LIVE! at the Greensboro Collosium... I was SO worried that Kaitlyn wouldn't sit for the 90 minute show, considering she is NON STOP, all the time. But let me tell you - she was GLUED to the stage... didn't hardly budge. It was amazing. She absolutely LOVED it, and i was so glad we got the opportunity to go!! SO much fun!
Here's the stage... this is actually the finale picture!

Kaitlyn and I... she was a little distracted by things going on elsewhere to look at the camera!

Totally recommend this to anyone with a kid.
Ok, on to my usual survey...
*How far along? 30 weeks 1 day.
*Total weight gain/loss: lets see... i weighed 117 when i got pregnant, and now i weigh 148. for all you mathematicians... thats a grand total of 31lbs. woot-woot! haha. and to think i have 9 weeks to go.... SCARY!!!!!!
*Maternity clothes? yep.
*Stretch marks? a very few around my belly button. darn it.
*Sleep: its getting sparse. i average about 7 hours a night, with about 2 potty breaks.
*Best moment this week: STILL WEARING MY WEDDING RINGS!!!!!!!!!! With Kaitlyn, they stopped fitting around 20 some weeks. I'm 30 and can still wear them! Hallelujah!!!
*Movement: yes. i'm totally in for it if he's HALF as active as he is in my womb.
*Food cravings: tacos. had them last night - yummm :)
*Gender: boy! :)
*Name: got it, will announce when we feel ready! :)
*Labor Signs: a couple braxton hicks here and there... nothing big.
*Belly Button in or out? out. :(
*What I miss: my energy. being able to get down on the floor and play with Kaitlyn.
*Weekly Wisdom: cleaning bathtubs (properly) with a belly that is 30 weeks is next to impossible. :)