6 weeks...
6 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!! Exactly 6 weeks from today(if he doesn't decide to come earlier...) I will be holding my sweet baby boy in my arms! AHHHHHHH. I am beyond excited. So ready to meet him, see who he looks like, smell him and cover him in kisses. :) Motherhood is a lot of work, but it is SUCH A BLESSING! There is NOTHING like it. Hard to believe i will be a mother of TWO. <3 Thank you Jesus, for blessing me so much. I am so undeserving.
Well, in other news - i wasn't planning on going back to Lynchburg until i had this baby... but my grandma was admitted into the hospital with pneumonia and an aspirated lung. Even though i knew it was going to be tough on me to make the trip, i did it. I couldn't have done it if my sister was still teaching school - but thankfully, she is out for the summer and could help me with Kaitlyn. I ended up not getting to see my Grandma because she was later diagnosed with MERSA(sp?). Being pregnant, we decided i should stay away. But she is in my thoughts and prayers daily... and it was nice to be able to hang out with my cousin, Jenni, and her 3 SWEET kids. I love them.
Here's the "kids table". Matthew, Kaitlyn, and Patrick. :)

My sweet girl.

Well, here i am in all my 33 week glory. Please excuse the sweat marks - we had just sat outside for 2 hours in 90 degree weather watching Matt's sister, Chelsey, graduate high school. Outdoor graduations = miserable. Outdoor graduations + being 33 weeks preggo = CRAZY miserable. I almost didn't make it.

*Total weight gain/loss: 35lbs? somewhere around there. ugh. :(
*Maternity clothes? oh yes. running out of ones that fit, too.
*Stretch marks? a very few. :(
*Sleep: ughhhh... its getting bad. I average about 7 hours a night, and that includes getting up to pee 2 or more times. I've also ended up on the couch a couple of nights. My back = KILLING ME.
*Best moment this week: spending time with family <3
*Movement: all the time. he likes to stretch out his legs, and stick out his little butt. :) cute, but not so comfortable for me!
*Food cravings: this week? turkey sandwich with tomato.
*Gender: boy! :)
*Name: got it, will announce when we feel ready! :)
*Labor Signs: braxton hicks a lot... feeling pressure and a little pain. I REALLY don't think i'll make it until July 30th.
*Belly Button in or out? out. :(
*What I miss: my sleep. hugging my husband without this big belly keeping us apart. being able to bend down to pick up something without thinking out a serious strategy. :)
*Weekly Wisdom: Just need to keep reminding myself that I only have a few more weeks... these discomforts and inconveniences are temporary!!
6 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!! Exactly 6 weeks from today(if he doesn't decide to come earlier...) I will be holding my sweet baby boy in my arms! AHHHHHHH. I am beyond excited. So ready to meet him, see who he looks like, smell him and cover him in kisses. :) Motherhood is a lot of work, but it is SUCH A BLESSING! There is NOTHING like it. Hard to believe i will be a mother of TWO. <3 Thank you Jesus, for blessing me so much. I am so undeserving.
Well, in other news - i wasn't planning on going back to Lynchburg until i had this baby... but my grandma was admitted into the hospital with pneumonia and an aspirated lung. Even though i knew it was going to be tough on me to make the trip, i did it. I couldn't have done it if my sister was still teaching school - but thankfully, she is out for the summer and could help me with Kaitlyn. I ended up not getting to see my Grandma because she was later diagnosed with MERSA(sp?). Being pregnant, we decided i should stay away. But she is in my thoughts and prayers daily... and it was nice to be able to hang out with my cousin, Jenni, and her 3 SWEET kids. I love them.
Here's the "kids table". Matthew, Kaitlyn, and Patrick. :)

My sweet girl.

Well, here i am in all my 33 week glory. Please excuse the sweat marks - we had just sat outside for 2 hours in 90 degree weather watching Matt's sister, Chelsey, graduate high school. Outdoor graduations = miserable. Outdoor graduations + being 33 weeks preggo = CRAZY miserable. I almost didn't make it.

*How far along? 33 weeks 2 days.
*Total weight gain/loss: 35lbs? somewhere around there. ugh. :(
*Maternity clothes? oh yes. running out of ones that fit, too.
*Stretch marks? a very few. :(
*Sleep: ughhhh... its getting bad. I average about 7 hours a night, and that includes getting up to pee 2 or more times. I've also ended up on the couch a couple of nights. My back = KILLING ME.
*Best moment this week: spending time with family <3
*Movement: all the time. he likes to stretch out his legs, and stick out his little butt. :) cute, but not so comfortable for me!
*Food cravings: this week? turkey sandwich with tomato.
*Gender: boy! :)
*Name: got it, will announce when we feel ready! :)
*Labor Signs: braxton hicks a lot... feeling pressure and a little pain. I REALLY don't think i'll make it until July 30th.
*Belly Button in or out? out. :(
*What I miss: my sleep. hugging my husband without this big belly keeping us apart. being able to bend down to pick up something without thinking out a serious strategy. :)
*Weekly Wisdom: Just need to keep reminding myself that I only have a few more weeks... these discomforts and inconveniences are temporary!!