My baby girl is growing up!!!!!!! :(
Introducing... Kaitlyn's new bed (the rest of the pictures of the room will come soon, just have to get a couple more things done!). We really didn't have the money to go get her a brand new 'big girl' bedroom suite, so we were frequently getting on craigslist looking at what people had to offer. (...and as a side note, its pretty HILARIOUS what people will take pictures of and try to 'sell' on craiglist! let me just say, if you're going to sell your childs bedroom suite, for goodness sakes atleast pick up the room and make up the bed... come on, people!) Anyways. By the grace of God, i found this one. It's a 'Disney Princess Bedroom Set' and we got a great deal on it and only had to drive 15 minutes to pick it up! :) My only pet-peeve about it is the 'crystal balls' on the bed post and its not bright white, its antique white... not my fav, but whatever. IT WORKS! :) And i am so thankful!!!

She's already a master of climbing up... of course.
Can you tell that she LOVES it????? :)
Introducing... Kaitlyn's new bed (the rest of the pictures of the room will come soon, just have to get a couple more things done!). We really didn't have the money to go get her a brand new 'big girl' bedroom suite, so we were frequently getting on craigslist looking at what people had to offer. (...and as a side note, its pretty HILARIOUS what people will take pictures of and try to 'sell' on craiglist! let me just say, if you're going to sell your childs bedroom suite, for goodness sakes atleast pick up the room and make up the bed... come on, people!) Anyways. By the grace of God, i found this one. It's a 'Disney Princess Bedroom Set' and we got a great deal on it and only had to drive 15 minutes to pick it up! :) My only pet-peeve about it is the 'crystal balls' on the bed post and its not bright white, its antique white... not my fav, but whatever. IT WORKS! :) And i am so thankful!!!

She's already a master of climbing up... of course.
Can you tell that she LOVES it????? :)
Her first night in the bed.... was interesting. We went through the usual bedtime routine, and i just tried to do everything exactly the same way i would if i were laying her in her crib. I laid her down, gave her a kiss, told her 'night night' and walked out.
Then came the crying.
Not a whimpering cry. Not even a sad cry. It was a hysterical, gagging, choking, sweat pouring off her head cry.
I have NEVER been the one to use a crutch to get my child to sleep (rocking, swing, driving her around in the car, etc). Ok, well, MAYBE i used to rock her when she was 3 months old or younger... but then i became a "babywise" mother, and decided i wanted my child to learn how to put herself to sleep and not have to exhaust myself putting her to sleep 5 times a day! (HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!) She has always been wonderful about going to sleep, and i truly think its because every child needs to be 'sleep trained'. Enough said.
Now that im off THAT soapbox, i will continue. :)
So, i decided to break every rule in the book and lay down with her. I knew she was scared... not only was it a brand new bed, but it was a completely different room. Not to mention, my hormones are ALLLLLLLL over the place, and i find myself wanting to eat her up these last couple of weeks before i have this boy. Her little life is going to change so much, and she doesnt even know it yet. :( So, i laid down with her until she fell asleep... then snuck out. And she slept ALL night. We checked on her a couple times and found her upside down in the bed, but still comfy! :) The next morning, she just kind of whimpered when she woke up, like she was unsure of where she was.
So anyway, the past couple of nights have been going great! I still lay down with her, but not until she falls asleep - just for about 5 minutes, then i get up, kiss her, tell her night night and leave. She doesn't cry anymore! :) PRAISE THE LORD! She truly has been SOO good about it all. I am blessed!
Here she is playing with my daddy, her "papa"... he came down to visit and she ate him up! still asks about him... :)
And here i am at 31 weeks 1 day. NOT good lighting, NOT a good picture by any means, BUT.. its a picture.
*How far along? 31 weeks 2 days.
*Total weight gain/loss: 31lbs... dont remind me.
*Maternity clothes? yep.
*Stretch marks? a very few. :(
*Sleep: what's that???????? haha. oh pregnancy, it has a way of preparing you for a newborn and the lack of sleep that comes with them.
*Best moment this week: getting the nursery deep cleaned, and rearranging the furniture... i can't wait to get it all finished!!! :)
*Movement: all the time.
*Food cravings: this week? BLT sandwich... had one or two. SO yummy!! :)
*Gender: boy! :)
*Name: got it, will announce when we feel ready! :)
*Labor Signs: a couple braxton hicks here and there... nothing big.
*Belly Button in or out? out. :(
*What I miss: my non-preggo BODY!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to get it back.... i will get it back, right?!?!?!?!?!
*Weekly Wisdom: "Your children will become what you are; so be what you want them to be."~David Bly