It's Fathers Day 2010 - and i just wanted to share with everyone who reads this (people do read this, right?) how much i love the father the Lord so graciously gave me,
and the father of my children.
I am a "daddys girl"... always have been, always will be. I remember being his "shadow" - wherever my dad went, i was following. To the car shop to get the oil changed? Yep - i was in the seat right beside him. Outside to throw softball? You bet i'd run and get my glove. To his work place on Saturdays to help him clean for extra money? I was there, almost every time.
I can truly say when i think of a TRUE man of God - i am SO VERY BLESSED to be able to think of my Dad. Not every child can say that. His testimony for the Lord goes beyond words. Don't get me wrong - he has done wrong in his life, as has EVERY one, but the way he lives his life speaks volumes to me. I can remember him going through the hardest times in his life, and never once doubting the Lord. I remember going down stairs in the mornings (to get clean clothes for school from the laundry room) and finding him on his knees, elbows on the couch, bible lying next to him, praying continuously for hours. He made sure my sister and I were actively involved in church, and when i'd cry and say i was "too tired" after late Saturday nights out with school functions, he would push me to go - and even though i didn't like it then, i LOVE him for it today. :) To this day i have never heard this man utter a curse word from his lips. When calling him with problems, he's ever so quick to point me to God and to tell me he's praying for me daily. When i ask him to "wish me luck" - he always says he's praying for God's providence in my life. "Good providence" he says, "not good luck!" :) Thank you daddy, for being such a great example of a Godly man. I love you SO much and I am so thankful for you.
The other father i love more than ever, is my wonderful husband, the father of my children.

The day i watched my husband turn into a father was one of the most precious things i have ever watched. As most guys, when we found out we were pregnant, he was hoping for a "son". Someone to carry on the name, teach baseball, wrestle on the floor with. When we found out it was a girl, he was in love already. He picked out her name and let me tell you - that little girl is the SPITTING image of her father. The second they popped her over the blue sheet to let me see her, i thought to myself, "oh my goodness - she looks just like her daddy!". The tears that were in his eyes the day she was born made me see a side of him i had never seen before. He is such a good daddy to our little girl. He is protective, loving, caring, and tender-hearted with her. When she was a little baby, he would take her and "dance" with her in the living room singing to her... and to this day, he STILL picks her up and dances with her - and now she sings along. :) I am so blessed to have a wonderful father for my children. He is a Godly man, hard-working(so I can stay at home and raise our kids the right way), and so loving. Kaitlyn and our soon-to-be baby boy are SO incredibly blessed to have him. I love you, Matthew Todd. Thank you for being the best daddy to our babies.
