Caleb Matthew Evans is here!

Born July 30th, 2010 at 7:49am.
8lbs. 0oz. and 20.5 inches long!
He is just perfect! :)
The difference between this delivery and the one i had with Kaitlyn are about as different as night and day. With Kaitlyn, i labored for 20 hours, pushed for 40 minutes and THEN had a C-Section (Emergency, i might add.) This delivery? I walked into the hospital at 5am... they walked me back to a 'prep' room - where i changed into my hospital gown, got an IV in place, and waited in sheer anxious-ness to meet my sweet little boy.
Kaitlyn's delivery i vaguely remember... i was exhausted and doped up on pain medication. This delivery was amazing. I talked to all the nurses in the OR, had an amazing anesthesiologist who didn't let my epidural numb me too far up (horrible experiece with Kaitlyn - was numb all the way up to my throat, couldn't feel myself breathing... HELLOOO panic attack!!!), and i got to hold Caleb and see my husband when i was in the recovery room!!!
Here we are in the OR...

He looks more like me than Kaitlyn did! :)

Kaitlyn getting to meet Caleb. Love my family!

Born July 30th, 2010 at 7:49am.
8lbs. 0oz. and 20.5 inches long!
He is just perfect! :)
The difference between this delivery and the one i had with Kaitlyn are about as different as night and day. With Kaitlyn, i labored for 20 hours, pushed for 40 minutes and THEN had a C-Section (Emergency, i might add.) This delivery? I walked into the hospital at 5am... they walked me back to a 'prep' room - where i changed into my hospital gown, got an IV in place, and waited in sheer anxious-ness to meet my sweet little boy.
Kaitlyn's delivery i vaguely remember... i was exhausted and doped up on pain medication. This delivery was amazing. I talked to all the nurses in the OR, had an amazing anesthesiologist who didn't let my epidural numb me too far up (horrible experiece with Kaitlyn - was numb all the way up to my throat, couldn't feel myself breathing... HELLOOO panic attack!!!), and i got to hold Caleb and see my husband when i was in the recovery room!!!
Here we are in the OR...

He looks more like me than Kaitlyn did! :)

Recovery for me was hard this time. I knew what to expect... but having a 2 year old who wanted Mommy to hold her was the hardest part for me. Having to sit back and watch other people take care of my other child for me was difficult... i was used to doing everything for her (and she was used to me doing it, too!) and then all of a sudden it was someone else - HUGE change for both of us. But i was SO thankful for help! I can't imagine what people do without family there to help them.
Kaitlyn getting to meet Caleb. Love my family!
Caleb is 7.5 weeks now and is doing wonderfully! He's had some acid reflux issues, but nothing a little Zantac couldn't help! :) At his 1 month Dr. appointmet he weighed 10lbs 3oz. (Kaitlyn was 10lbs 7oz) and was 21.5 inches tall. He was in the 50th percentile for weight and the 75th for height and head. He's a sweet little boy... his cry is very distinct. He gets frantic when he's hungry... or tired. He hates his carseat just as much as Kaitlyn did. He started smiling at 6 weeks and i LOVE waking up to his gummy little grins! He absolutely hates tummy-time and cries hysterically when i put him down for it. (but i still do it!) He's still breastfeeding except for one 2oz. bottle of formula i feed him around 7-8pm that lets me get some sleep through the night! :) I am currently trying to get him on somewhat of a schedule... (love me some babywise scheduling!!!) and so far, its going decently. Getting him to fall asleep by himself is proving to be the hardest trick. But thats okay, i enjoy rocking him to sleep! :) He is just a sweet boy and i love being his mommy!