My sweet little chubby-cheeked, bald headed baby with the biggest blue eyes... offically THREE!
Three years ago, my life changed instantly. Kaitlyn, you have taught me so much throughout these 3 years of your little life. I have really began to realize lately that i have your little eyes watching me in EVERYTHING i do (wow, what a burden to bear!)...and i want you to see me doing the same things that im praying, one day, you will do.
You have, since day one, done things on your own time. You take your time at things (i.e. coming into this world - almost 2 weeks late and 20 hours of labor... waiting to walk until you were completely ready - at 15 months!... and we're still waiting on the potty-training!) and you are VERY independent. "ME do it, mommy!!!! ME DO IT!"
You like to be silly...
and you have recently become BEST FRIENDS with Mickey and Minnie (and the whole Mickey Mouse Clubhouse gang!).
You've had a lot of changes come your way this year. We welcomed your little brother into this world in July of 2010 and it was definitely a time of transition for you. You were used to mommy and daddy's undivided attention and had a hard time understanding at first... but have really blossomed into a GREAT big sister! The other day Caleb had spit up a little bit (and i didn't notice) and you came and asked me for a napkin... i gave it to you, and you went straight to wipe his mouth. Such a sweet big sister!! :)

You also started preschool this year and you LOVE it. Ms. Sherry is your teacher, and she always tells me how well you're doing in the class. You look so forward to going to school that the night before is always a breeze getting you to bed (telling you that you get to see Ms. Sherry in 'da mornin'! :) You bring home some great artwork and i can already see improvements in your speech and sharing with others. You can count all the way to 20 (and from 10 to 1 backwards!) and know all of your letters. You master puzzles that are for older children and you can build some amazing "sand castles" out of blocks. Your heart is completely broken when you have to come in from playing outside and your favorite toy is by far, STILL a ball. You will drop everything for one. You have beautiful blonde curls and you are finally letting me put some bows in your hair! You love to sing and i absolutely love to listen to you sing... i hope you never quit!
As hard as this year has been, dealing with the 'terrible two's' and transitioning into the big sister role, you still have stolen my heart. You give the best hugs and kisses EVER and have recently started telling me (on more than one occasion) "I wuv you, Mommy... you're my best fwend". :) I am so glad... and i hope you always can say that!
I LOVE YOU, my sweet Kaitlyn Brooke. You make me want to be a better mommy everyday! May the Lord bless you this coming year and may you grow closer to Him with every year of your life!
Here is a link to her video that i make every year for her... enjoy:)