Oh, my heart.
My first-born, my baby girl is SEVEN today and more than half-way through her 1st grade year. Everyone told me how much faster life flies by when your kids get in "real school" - and boy, were they right! Didn't she just start kindergarten last week?
Kaitlyn Brooke,

This past year has definitely been a year of change. The ending of Kindergarten, moving (not once, but twice!!), and beginning your 1st grade year! You are doing wonderful in school - the amount of things you have learned already this year has blown me away! You love to read - you read in the car while mommy drives, in bed before you go to sleep, and even just 'for fun' on the couch! You just started taking piano lessons, and with only 3 lessons under your belt - you have taken off! I think you love music as much as mommy! :)
You also love to watch movies, paint your nails, go to the arcade, play games, draw 'fashion outfits' and just color in general, play hours and hours (and hours) of barbies, sing songs at the top of your lungs and dance, hula hoop, and make things (bracelets, magnets for my refrigerator, potholders with your loom kit, etc).
To try and put into words how much Mommy loves you... it's just not possible. When the Lord gave you to me - He gave me one of life's most precious gifts. I can't imagine life without you in it.

You, my sweet girl, are fearfully and wonderfully made. Only Jesus could love you more!
Interview with Kaitlyn 2/2/15-
What is your favorite color?: Teal
What is your favorite movie?: The Incredibles
Whats your favorite outfit?: dress with flowers
What sport do you like best?: basketball
What song do you love?: Beautiful for Me - Nichole Nordeman
Whats your favorite cereal?: Special K Red Berries
Who is your best friend?: Olivia Jessup
What do you want to be when you grow up? a cupcake maker for kids who have allergies like me, and a teacher.
What is your favorite thing to eat for dinner? Steak!!
What are you afraid of?: Ghosts and spiders.
What is your favorite season of the year?: SUMMER!!!
What is your favorite subject in school?: Math.
What are your favorite books?: "If You Give a Cat a Cupcake" and "Stella the Star Fairy"
What are you really good at?: shooting basketballs in the hoop and hula hooping
Where do you wish you could go on vacation?: Disney World!!
What would you buy if you had $1000?: I would go to the beach!
What do you like to do with your best friends?: play on the playground.
What do you hope you get to do before your next birthday?: get my ears pierced!