7 years ago...
We we're so young and the odd's were against us.
Yet, here we are - a house, 3 cars, and 2 kids later... and still in love. :)

I don't ever want to take us for granted. Life can be hard sometimes... days can seem so repetitive and it's easy to get discouraged when it's one thing after another. But i also know that theres no one else i'd rather stand beside, race to the kids bed in the morning to be the first to get them up, or enjoy some chocolate milkshakes with while watching TV after the kids are in bed. I'm blessed... and i know it. :)
I thank the Lord for such a Godly, hardworking, encouraging and supportive husband. 7 years down... the rest of our lives to go!! :) I love you, Matthew Todd. I'm so proud to be your wife!
me ;)