
Remember me?
This past month has been crazy. I do believe our whole tax return will go towards doctor bills.
Matt hurt his back and had to go to the chiropractor. Kaitlyn came down with some kind of fever/congestion/cough 2 weeks ago. Caleb then got it from her. (i love that they're sharing, but i could do without them sharing GERMS!) And now... i've got it. :) JOY! Needless to say, i've been sanitizing every square inch of my house! Still contemplating buying stock in Lysol. :)
Update on Kaitlyn:
-We're really working on potty training. Yes, i know she is THREE, but this precious little girl is STRONG-WILLED! Anything she senses that we "want her to do"... she refuses. I know she is more than ready... she knows how to hold it - she knows when she's about to peepee - its just getting her to SIT and PEE on the potty! Hello, frustration. I may not have any hair left by the time this is over.
- I just signed her up for preschool next year... 3 days a week! ACK! :) When did my little girl get so big?
- We just took her to the allergist to get her scratch test done. We were praying for better news, but unfortunately, she is STILL allergic to peanuts, eggs, and milk. *sigh* Oh well. Atleast she is not suffering from some form of cancer and in a hospital.
Update on Caleb:
-He is officially 7.5 months old and is already IN TO EVERYTHING!!!! I call him "Mr. Grabby". I open the pantry (while holding him) and before i know it, he has leaned over and grabbed something up. Or, when i'm trying to eat while he's in my lap... before i know it, i'm saving my plate from hitting the floor.
-At his last sick Dr. appointment, he weighed 17lbs! Still a skinny boy... ;)
-He's been sitting up for a while now... with the occasional fall over to the side.
-He is only slightly spoiled... this boy LOVES to be held. I can't help but hold him either! :)
-He absolutely ADORES Kaitlyn. Anytime she comes around, all eyes are on her! When she talks to him, he just grins all over himself. They even have 'screaming fights' already. He'll scream - she'll scream back - and so on. Even though its hard on my ears, i love that they're conversing.... sort of. :)