I have to be honest and say that i'm a little sad that tomorrow... at 7:49am... my only son, my 'little man', my BABY... is going to be ONE!!

I have no idea how it happened. Time seems to go by twice as fast with 2 kids. Lord willing, he is my last baby - and knowing this makes the thought of him even remotely growing up, a little bittersweet.
My sweet Caleb Matthew,
The day we found out we were going to have a little boy... I cried - my heart was so full. I felt complete. I would now have a girl AND a boy. The best of both worlds!
I have to admit i was a little nervous... I never had a brother growing up, and with only having the experience with a girl - the thought of a little boy intimidated me. But the second i laid eyes on you, my fears were gone. I wouldn't trade you for the world... or 100 girls.

The day you were born was so DRASTICALLY different than the day your sister was born. I remember being in the operating room while they were prepping me... so anxious to meet you, hold you, and look at your precious face, count your fingers and toes! Dr. Tomblin delivered you and everything went great! Your delivery was a breeze, and you were a perfect little baby boy! You looked more like me than your sister did, and I fell in love... instantly. :)

You were born screaming your head off.... but boy, you had us fooled. You were(and still are) the most laid back, easy-going, ALWAYS happy baby boy.

You're eyes are the biggest brown eyes i have ever seen and you have your daddy's lips. Your smiles are contagious and you love to give open-mouth kisses. You are INFATUATED with your big sister Kaitlyn. Your face lights up whenever she comes in the room... and when she's not around, you are searching for her... calling her "NIN?" "NIN?" You're a sensitive little man and you love to be rocked to sleep. You have 5 teeth and you're working on 2 more as we speak. You don't have much to say (i think your big sister does all the talking for you), but you are ready to start walking really soon! You seriously have the best disposition and such a sweet little personality.
I hope you know how much your mommy and daddy love you! You will forever be our 'little man' and we can't wait to see you grow up and see what the Lord does in your life! We pray for you to grow up to be a humble, God-fearing man with a love for the Lord and His people.
"I'll love you forever, like you for always... as long as i'm living, my baby you'll be..."