For anyone who is lucky enough to know my husband, you probably already know this about him. My husband is one of the most genuine, "thoughtful" (that one was for you, babe;)), loving, giving men that i know. He is my rock, my safe haven, my sanity in my 'i'm a stay-at-home mom' world. He loves me at my worst, tells me that i'm still beautiful (even after having 2 children and everything THAT changes) and can make me laugh when i'm so mad i just want to scream. He carries the heavy burden of being the sole provider for our family while i stay at home with the kids... and then comes home to clock in as 'daddy'. I'm sure it's not easy being him... and i often take that for granted.

the proposal :)

rehearsal dinner before our wedding... wow, do we look YOUNG.

Things sure have changed over the past 8 years. Gone are the days of 'sleeping in', going out whenever and wherever, and actually having MONEY in the bank. ;) Every day is a new challenge, and it's hardly ever "smooth sailing", but i wouldn't change the past 8 years for anything. It's funny how time changes things... his smile and eyes have always drawn me in - but you know what i love about him now(in addition to those eyes and smile)? Watching him play with the kids... the wrestling matches... "the clam"....bedtime prayers that he prays with Kaitlyn. Melts my heart every time.

The past year we have really been off our ususal 'schedule'. Now that Kaitlyn is involved in extraciricular activities (dance, AWANA's) and i now am a part of a group called MOPS (p.s. -every mom NEEDS this!).... our time together has somewhat dwindled. It's usually a 'tag-team' kind of thing... he gets home, i leave. I get home, he leaves. But even in the busy-ness that is our lives, i can always count on him.

How did that happen...? It seriously seems like it was just yesterday.
Thank you for spoiling me.... the backrubs after my long days, the chocolate milkshakes hand delivered to me on the couch, turning on the electric blankets for me in advance so i don't have to crawl into a cold bed... it's the little things. :)
These past 8 years have flown by... and I look forward to many more by your side. :)

Happy Anniversary, Baby! :)