My precious little blonde haired, blue-eyed "princess" is turning FOUR.

Being a stay-at-home mommy, I'm so amazed at how ridiculously l o n g some days can seem, and then the next thing i know - another year has passed! Kaitlyn has really grown this year - she no longer has the 'baby' look, and is really blossoming into a little girl.
This is the first birthday that she has literally been counting down the days to. She really gets it now, and i am loving it!! We are having a "Cinderella Birthday Party" per her request - WITH FRIENDS! Our first party thats not just family and at our house... and she is beside herself with excitement! :) Should be lots of fun!
In years past, I have written sentimental posts... but this year, i just can't help but be excited for things to come! This little girl can already write her name (and recognize it anywhere), can remember her AWANA bible verses like a champ, and is trying hard to "tell time" already (and is getting really good at it)! She keeps me young by hours and hours of playing princesses and barbies. :) She loves to dress herself and to be honest, she's pretty good at matching outfits. She prays the sweetest prayers at bedtime and still LOVES to be read to (and now enjoys "reading" to us). I truly can't wait to see what this next year will hold!
Kaitlyn is definitely one-of-a-kind. One-on-one, she is FULL of life - but put her in a room full of people and she gets really overwhelmed - often the one in the back watching all the other kids do it first. She is undeniably THE most strong-willed child i have ever met, but i'm learning that instead of "breaking" this will, that i need to just "shape" it. (It CAN be a good trait!) She definitely keeps us on our toes and gives our family quite the dynamic... but goodness gracious, i love this girl like CRAZY. To hear her tell me out of nowhere "I love you, Mommy!" and then give me the best hug and kiss is what makes every day that is challenging with her, totally worth it! Hearing her pray makes my heart melt and encourages me that she IS listening and learning. Lord, help me to continue to point her to You.
Happy 4th Birthday to my special little girl who first made me a 'mommy'. You are one of my greatest blessings. I am so glad the Lord allowed me to be YOUR mommy!
Interview with Kaitlyn 1/22/12:
What is your favorite color?: red
What is your favorite toy?: my princesses
What is your favorite fruit?: pear
What is your favorite tv show?: sccooby-doo... and mickey mouse.
What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?: nuggets and tator tots
What is your favorite outfit?: my cinderella dress
What is your favorite game?: ring around the rosy... and candyland.
What is your favorite snack?: goldfish and fruit snacks
What is your favorite animal?: elephant
What is your favorite song?: "twinkle twinkle"
What is your favorite book?: my cinderella and ariel books.
Who is your best friend?: "Olibia" (Olivia)
What is your favorite cereal?: "the purple kind" (fruit filled mini wheats) and lucky charms.
What is your favorite thing to do outside?: sidewalk chalk
What is your favorite drink?: water (seriously, this kid only drinks water and milk. nothing else.)
What is your favorite holiday?: CHRISTMAS!!! (with a big smile and lots of excitement)
What do you like to take to bed with you at night?: my blankies.
What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?: poptarts!
What do you want for dinner on your birthday?: chicken and peas! (HAHA!)
What do you want to be when you grow up? a dentist... so i can clean your teeth mommy! (not sure what that's supposed to mean?! ha)
What makes mommy happy?: when i do dis' (and then proceeds to make a silly face) ;)
What makes mommy sad?: when i hit Caleb.
Who are mommy's best friends?: Me, Caleb, and Daddy.
How old is mommy?: 27 (which is right... only because she is obsessed with how old everyone is and asks a lot!)
How tall is mommy?: 1,2,3,4,5 tall.
What does mommy do when you're not around?: You cry. (HAHAHAHA)
What is mommy's favorite food?: mac and cheese...
What do you and mommy do together?: we go to "Karo-wana's" (AWANA's)