My buddy is turning the big 4 today. FOUR. Where on earth have these past 4 years gone? My sweet baby isn't a baby anymore...
Dear Caleb Matthew,
I always struggle finding words to write on these birthday posts. I write and erase, write more and erase more.... there just aren't many words that convey how much i love my kids.

You like to fret your sister, but oh - how you cry when she cries. You have the biggest heart. And you love her like crazy.
You have learned to color much better this year. You know all of your letters, and can count to 20 - sometimes more! You drive your power wheels better than most adults can drive a car and you are begging for a REAL "moda-cycle" for Christmas this year. ( not happening. ever. at least if mommy has anything to do with it.) ;)
When you fall, you ALWAYS fall on your head. :P But thankfully you're a brave boy who smiles through it. You have had quite the eventful Dr's visits this year... a mild concussion to pulling ticks off of you that we couldn't get ourselves. Life with you is always interesting - you definitely keep us on our toes! :)
The other day you told me that you were going to "marry me." Oh, sweet boy... my heart is mush. There's a special bond between a mommy and her son... and i love our love. I hope we never lose this connection. You are a blessing from the Lord, and Daddy and I are so thankful that He let us be your parents. We pray everyday for your heart to be tender toward the Lord and his gift of salvation. We pray that you will grow up to serve Him and be a man after God's heart.
Happy, happy 4th birthday to THE sweetest boy. Mommy, Daddy, and Kaitlyn love you so much...